Wednesday 4 May 2011

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire I handed out to 10 people to give me some feedback for my music magazine production to see if it was suitable for my taret audience. As shown here the are mixed reviews of the colour scheme but more people liking the cover image. I think as everyone enjoyed the content of the double page spread, its' safe to say that they obviously liked my written work a little more than my design.

Can you identify the genre of the magazine?
 Yes = 9
Indie = 1

If so, how?
Image = 4  
Clothes = 2
Indie = 4

Who is it for?
Late teens = 8  
Music lovers = 1
Young teens = 1

What do you like the most?
Colour scheme = 4  
The masthead = 1
The cover image = 5

What do you like the least?
Colour scheme =4
Tag lines =2
Fairly plain = 2
Front cover image = 2

Would you buy it?
Yes = 9
No, not my style1

If so, how much would you pay?
£2 = 8
£1= 2

Did you enjoy the double page spread?
Yes = 10