Monday 11 April 2011

This is my final front cover, I've made some dramatic changes because my initial cover wasn't good enough.
I've now got a variety of fonts and sizes on the cover because this is conventional of music magazines and it really does look better. I've also used a wider variety on colour this time because it makes it look more appealing to my target audience. I changed my model because I had more time to do a photo shoot with this model and a different place to work in.I've also used a different pose where he is looking just pas the camera. I added different bands and sell lines onto the cover because it looked dull before and now it's given the page a different look. I've also changed my colour scheme because the light blue would appeal to a wider target audience. The purple I chose before would stereotypically just appeal to girls, but as I want to appeal to men too I've changed it to a light blue. The title has now changed to a different font which is far more appealing and interesting to the reader because it isn't as bland. There are still some band names at the bottom, but now they aren't my only sell lines they are just extra artists who're featured in the magazine. 

 My second contents page is very different, although I've kept some of the images on the page because they were still acceptable to go on the page. The contents title has gone and has been replaced with the SMD design and "this week" which looks so much better because it's more interesting to look at. There is also much more structure on the page, I did this by centralising the titles for the pages and this means it's easier to find. I've also reduced the size of the editors letter to make it smaller, as some people don't even read it and it means there is more space for other articles or images which people are more interested in. 
My subscription section looks really good, I've created small versions of the "previous" covers and put them together, I got this idea from another magazine I researched, and I think it looks really good. It's also in a black text box which really makes it stand out. There is an image of my model on the inside with some text underneath about him, this is often used in magazines and I think it looks really good in my magazine, and his name really stands out on the page. 

My second double page spread is so much better because I've used better images on the page which actually relate a photo shoot that I've done with the model. I've changed some of the text to relate to my artist because before some of the answers didn't relate to his gender, but the questions are still very similar. The colour scheme is really bright and makes my artist appear happy because it's a happy colour. The title Jakob Bray does have a white section behind it, but this makes it stand out on the page better. The large image on the side with a collection of small images is quite conventional of a magazine and it works well in my magazine. There is a quote on the page which always makes readers think "oh what's that about" and entices the audience to read the magazine. 

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