Tuesday 9 November 2010

Preliminary Task Final

 This is my final draft for my preliminary task, as you can see it fits the codes and conventions of a school magazine. 

  • It has a blue colour scheme which matches the school uniform of navy blue.
  • A catchy masthead about A*s which is all about achievement. 
  • Several sell lines which are related to school and how students can get some tips for their homework.
  • Some very smiley models who're holding up signs that spell out the schools initials Folkestone School for Girls. 

But if I had the chance to do it again I would:
  •  Include more sell lines because it does look a little empty.
  • I would keep the models I've used but change the location because the light makes the image look different. 
  • I would also edit the image to make it lighter or darker. 
  • I would use a different font on my masthead and include a variety in my sell lines because magazines always have different fonts. 
  • I might use more academic props such as books and I may add pictures to the front which could be viewed inside.
Here I've included some of my feedback from class members:
Peer Evaluation of College Magazine Front cover

Front Cover                                                       
  • Does the front cover engage the reader’s interest immediately – if ‘yes’, why do you think this is. If ‘no’, write 3 suggestions to improve this quality?
(i) Yes, eye catching masthead
(ii) More than 1 person in main image
(iii)Interesting layout (stars, and “see more inside”)
  • What do the sell lines reveal about the potential reader?
That they are keen to be successful (helpful homework hints) and may be interested in extra curricular activities (band practise)
  • Who do you think this magazine is targeting and how can you tell?
Younger years due to homework hints and band practise
  • What does the representation in the image and/or in the language tell us about the potential reader?
That they like fun as the models are smiling
  • Offer one comment about the use of image. It can be either positive (although remember that your aim is to help the publisher improve) or constructive.
(i) Unique picture which interests the reader.

  • Offer one comment about the use of language. It can be either positive (although remember that your aim is to help the publisher improve) or constructive.
(i) language is engaging, but there could be more of it.

By Adele Tyrer 

Peer Evaluation of College Magazine Front cover

Front Cover                                                                     
  • Does the front cover engage the reader’s interest immediately – if ‘yes’, why do you think this is. If ‘no’, write 3 suggestions to improve this quality?
(i)The bright blue colour of the heading stands out and is eye-catching
(ii) The image is quite bright so also sticks out
(iii) A really clear layout so is easy to read
  • What do the sell lines reveal about the potential reader?

They are quite musical but also get some work done. Also that they are quite musical.

  • Who do you think this magazine is targeting and how can you tell?

I think the magazine is targeting around KS3 and above as the image is of sixth formers and the magazine is giving help with homework.

  • What does the representation in the image and/or in the language tell us about the potential reader?

The image shows that the potential reader is happy that they enjoy going to school. The language tells us that they like a bit of gossip and like music.

  • Offer one comment about the use of image. It can be either positive (although remember that your aim is to help the publisher improve) or constructive.

(i)                The image looks a bit stretched

  • Offer one comment about the use of language. It can be either positive (although remember that your aim is to help the publisher improve) or constructive.

(i)      More language used on the front cover

By Hannah Milton

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